Follow all instructions for completing the submission. Be sure to structure the content into Background, Methods, Results and Conclusion sections.
Abstracts are not eligible for consideration if the data have previously been presented or published at a U.S. or international meeting held before the IANS Scientific Meeting.
The submitter acts on behalf of all co-authors and in submitting an abstract, transfers to IANS the copyright and all other rights in the material comprising the application if the application is accepted. Co-authors reserve the following:
All proprietary rights other than copyright, such as patent rights; and
The right to use all or part of the application in future works of their own. The meeting organizers, as holder of the copyright on the accepted application, reserve all rights of reproduction, distribution, performance, display, and the right to create derivative works in both print and digital formats.
Abstract submissions will be reviewed by IANS Scientific Meeting Committee. Submissions may be selected for a poster presentation and upon author request, will be considered for an oral presentation as well.
Abstracts must be submitted by January 31, 2025. Abstract authors will be notified of the status of their submission after their abstracts have been reviewed.
Abstracts received after January 31, 2025 will not be accepted.