IANS Committees

   Education Task Force Committee


    • To resolve creatively and rapidly obstacles to learning and teaching HRA
    • To have an overarching Education Committee including all the previous education-related committees. This will split into groups managing one of the tasks below
    • There will be a limited time for tasks to be addressed. Task Force groups will report back to the education committee
    • Task Force Groups:
    • Curriculum Development for HRA courses and short-term course expansion plan
    • Teaching and Learning effectiveDARE: challenge of an unseeable task
    • Practical Foundations of becoming an independent HRA practitioner
    • Future directions 
    • Educational Grant Group
  • Chairs             

    Tamzin Cuming, MBBS FRCS Med 
    Consultant Colorectal Surgeon 
    Homerton University Hospital     
    London, United Kingdom   
    Michelle Khan, MD, MPH, FACOG
    Clinical Associate Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology
    Stanford University
    Stanford, Californi

    European Task Force Committee

    • Goals:

      • Provide regionally appropriate support as part of IANS, to practitioners and trainees undertaking HRA in Europe and related researchers
      • Discuss and map prospectively current HRA availability across Europe: work towards closing the gaps in provision and standards
      • Encourage IANS membership uptake amongst HRA practitioners and associated researchers in Europe
      • Encourage Europe-wide collaborations for research
      • Feed back to the IANS Board, ways in which IANS can be more relevant and central to European members
      • Coordinate IANS European HRA courses traveling around Europe
  • Chairs

     Eugenio Nelson Cavallari,MD, PhD
    Infectious Diseases specialist
    University of Rome "Sapienza"
    Rome, Italy

     Esther Kuyvenhoven, NP
    Amsterdam university medical centre AMC, Dermatology
    Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    Spanish-Portuguese Task Force Committee


    • Map Spanish-Portuguese speaking countries reality related to anal cancer screening
    • Promote a research network of Spanish-Portuguese speaking countries
    • Promote a Spanish-Portuguese course
    • Collaboration in specific Spanish-Portuguese webinars promoted by IANS
  • Chair

    • ValĂ©ria 
      Uellner e Silva, MD
      Colorectal Surgeon
      Hospital Unimed Caxias do Sul

    • Rio Grande do Sul, Bazil

    WebRounds Planning Committee


    • WebRounds – develop topics, dates, expand regional options for times, Spanish-speaking (bi-annual), determine frequency
    • Explore application for CMEs
    • Create syllabus for the year
    • Determine number per region


Richard Turner, MBBS, BMedSc, FRACS, PhD
Professor of Surgery
University of Tasmania
Hobart. Tasmania. Australia

 Michael Gaisa, MD, PhD
Associate Professor Medicine, Divisions of Infectious Diseases
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
New York City, New York, USA


  Scientific Meeting Planning Committee


  • To assist in the organization of the IANS scientific meeting
  • To assist in development of regional meetings that advance the agenda of the society


    Tamzin Cuming, MBBS FRCS Med 
    Consultant Colorectal Surgeon 
    Homerton University Hospital     
    London, United Kingdom   


      Task Force on Guidelines Committee


    • Developing guidelines for anal cancer screening while awaiting trial outcome
    • To review and synthesize the materials available, and then to present for ratification at the next IANS meeting


      Elizabeth Stier, MD
      Associate Professor
      Boston University School of Medicine 
      Obstetrics and Gynecology
      Boston, Massachusetts
      Naomi Jay, RN, NP, PhD

      Assistant Professor of Clinical Nursing

      University of California, San Francisco

      San Francisco, California


        Outreach and Communication Committee


      • Communication – quarterly newsletter
      • Development of social media
      • Maintaining the website
      • Monitoring consultation and on-line discussion forums


        Mary-Jo Murphy, MS, RN, CDE
        Anal Cancer Survivor, Patient Advocate,
        Speaker, Writer, Health Educator
        Ventura, California
         Linda J. Hipps, MD
        Associate Professor, Department Obstetrics & Gynecology 
        Ambulatory Care Center/University Hospital
        Newark, New Jersey

          Quarterly Newsletter


        • To gather pertinent scientific and practice-based information both to keep the membership apprised of advances relevant to anal neoplasia
        • To publish such material on a quarterly basis


          Mary-Jo Murphy, MS, RN, CDE
          Anal Cancer Survivor, Patient Advocate,
          Speaker, Writer, Health Educator
          Ventura, California

           Alan Nyitray, MD
          Associate Professor of Epidemiology
          Medical College of Wisconsin
          Milwaukee, Wisconsin

          The International Anal Neoplasia Society

          P.O. Box 1543
          Leesburg, Virginia 20177


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